Greg Montwill Contributor

Greg Montwill has made a great living by successfully trading futures, FOREX securities, commodities, and options using technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and a keen intuition.
Greg was formally educated at Adelphi University (Garden City, N.Y.), St John’s University, and NYU, N.Y graduating with an Accounting Degree, but it was as a floor trader on the NY Commodity Exchange for over a decade where Greg got his real education, in the Real World trading Gold, Silver, and Oil! He went on to work for major firms like Dean Witter (now Morgan Stanley) & Chase Manhattan Bank, spent several years in Hong Kong as an institutional OTC Broker moving the markets using arbitrage strategies, and has appeared on multiple cable and radio shows over the years.
Greg Montwill comes to as an expert in his field to open a real Trading Room and discuss his strategies and research techniques on his soon to be release publication “Power Pivots”